Sh** I learned this week that I found Fascinating 7/22/13
FOOD FACT: In the United States, more tomatoes are consumed that any other single fruit or vegetable. ( hmmmm….it's gotta be because of PIZZA)
CULTURAL FACT: The Spanish word esposa means "wife." The Plural, esposas means "wives" but also "handcuffs" ( no comment, men will make their own)
BAD MOVIE FACT: Actress Halle Berry's stunt double in the movie "Cat Woman" was in fact a man. ( doesn't matter if it was Jet Li that movie still would've sucked…That's not Halle Berry that's a man baby!)
NERD FACT:The first Crocodiles appeared on Earth about 250 million years ago. ( yep, told ya…more crocodile stuff)
NERD FACT:A Chef's hat is shaped that way for a reason. Its shape allows air to circulate around the scalp, keeping the head cool in a hot kitchen. ( dur da dur da dur…Only Sesame Street fans will get that joke)
SPORTS FACT:Ancient Greeks awarded celery to winners of sports events. ( I just pictured Dana White handing GSP a batch of celery)
FOOD FACT: Each American eats an average of 46 slices of pizza a year. ( I KNEW IT!)