Saturday, July 20, 2013

SH** I learned this week that I found fascinating. 7/20/13

Category: NERD STUFF

S**t I learned this week that I found fascinating.

Both African and Asian elephants have a pregnancy that approaches two years—22 months, to be exact. ( Phil Nurse told me this fun fact)

Barbie's real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. ( No, I did not make that up! )

Bats like to groom themselves constantly to keep their fur extra soft, shiny and clean. ( but they are still freagin gross).

A crocodile sits on the river banks with its mouth open to cool off since it sweats through its mouth. (terrifying..told ya there'd be more Crocodile stuff on here).

Velco was invented more than 50 years ago by a Swiss dude who was inspired by the way burrs stuck to clothes. ( who invented jumping on the velco wall then? cause that looks fun! )

Bullet proof vests, fire escapes and windshield wipers were all invented by women. (girl power)

60 minutes is the only show on CBS without a theme song or music. (tick tick tick tick tick)

The thong accounts for 25% of the U.S women's underwear market. ( I can't see the word thong anymore without saying…."that thong-tha-thong-tha-thong".. Come on admit it, you did it too!) SMH