MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! It makes a difference!
IF New Yorkers want Professional MMA in NY State: here's a step by step of what to do. This came directly from the UFC's Lawyer:
We are talking to New York residents.
1. They should go to the New York State Assembly website and follow the simple instructions to find out who their Assemblymember is if they don't already know. If they know any of their elected officials, they can simply call their office and ask as well.
2. They can then go to their assemblymember's web page and get their district office number.
3. Call and ask for the Assemblymember. Whoever answers will ask why they are calling. Say," I am a mixed martial arts fan/student/ family member of a fighter, etc. I want the assembly member to know that I live in the district and want the MMA ban lifted."
" MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world; it's silly that we are the only state in the country where you cannot have live professional matches. The regulations provide safety for the fighters and our economy needs all the help we can get. I will be calling regularly until this is done; thank you"
4. They should leave their contact information.
5. They should have their friends call too. The goal should be to call once a week. We can build momentum for when the Legislature reconvenes later in the year or in January.
A video of my interview with Lawyer to the UFC David Weinraub will be up by WEDS. I will post it soon. If you have any questions please contact me.